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Gale Parker (She/They)

A long-time adventurer in imaginary worlds, Gale spent much of their youth devouring fictional books and making up stories with their friends. Now a contractor making conversions for Roll20, Gale is an avid player of TTRPGs, and takes pride in learning new systems. When not chasing a hyperfixation or cutting audio, Gale can be found messing around in the kitchen, playing the same five songs on the piano, or lying in wait to scare the bejeezus out of their partner, Blake.


Bonesaw (He/Him)

Bonesaw is a zombie alchemist with a sketchy past–at least partly because he can’t remember all of it. A patent medicine man by trade, he makes his living traveling in a janky circus cart and putting on shows to sell his miracle elixirs—which almost always, mostly, sometimes work. Bonesaw stands nearly seven feet tall with a gangly frame and green skin, and is accompanied by his tumor familiar, a sentient blob of flesh named Goiter.

Keith Curtis (He/Him)

Keith is one of the old guard of the hobby, though Pathfinder is relatively new to him. He discovered RPGs in the late 70’s and they have pretty much dominated is life and eventual career to the point where he now works from home on a wide variety of RPG art-related business, included Inkwell Ideas and Roll20, as well as accumulating hundreds of publishing credits for various RPG companies. When not doing RPG art, Keith enjoys occasional creating visual art, guitar picking, community theater, and communing with nature in the Pacific Northwest.


Jasper Graves (He/Him)

Jasper Graves used to be a scholar and family man back East. He lost his wife and family to plague while in young adulthood, and after a period of withdrawal and alcoholic abuse, decided to try to prevent this tragedy from happening to other people. He spent decades in the hot sun of the Southwest, searching for a possibly mythical medicinal herb. When bandits shot him and left him for dead, his discoveries seem to have worked. He did not fully die, but reanimated as an “Undead American”. Whether through loneliness, sun, or reanimation, his wits have become a bit addled, and he will frequently dissociate between his current life and the one he lost so long ago. Jasper is thin as a rail, with not a drop of moisture in his dusty, leathery, sunbaked frame. He has the best horse.

Zach Parker (He/Him)

Growing up, Zach held almost no interest in TTRPGs. It wasn’t until Gale introduced him to the concept where he fell in love with the genre, completely transforming his life in a few short years. He went from casually participating in a campaign started by his buddies, to handcrafting multi-year long adventures, and everything in between. When not obsessing over character builds, Zach likes to spend his time playing video games, learning guitar, or hanging out with his family and friends.


Mozzarella Copernicus Prior (He/Him)

Moz is a troubled rat folk drifter with a knack for playing the fiddle. He likes drinking too much and speaking very little, which isn’t hard as he stands only four feet off the ground. His fur is dark and matted, with a jewelry box’s worth of rings on his hands and a face sprinkled with half a dozen golden piercings. He is always accompanied by a fearless companion The Sheriff, his pet frog with a handmade cowboy hat, who has a calming effect on Moz’s unsettled mind.

Corinne Hill (She/Her)

Though Corinne has been playing TTRPGs for about six years now, she still feels like a new player--each game is as fresh and exciting as the last. Gale and Blake, friends from college, first introduced her to TTRPGs and she's been hooked ever since. When she's not forgetting to update her character sheet, she's either hiking, writing music, or fighting off the spiders hiding in her bathroom.


Myra Sting (She/Her)

Snakefolk, known as lamia, are usually found working the railroads, but this lamia finds herself traversing the wild, magical West in solitude. Her sharp eye and precise aim make her quite the shot, and she's been a formidable foe to some of the West's most dangerous inhabitants. Her goal, however, is to simply help the misunderstood (and herself) find peace. Myra has a scaly human torso that is outfitted with a brown vest, a whip, a high-powered rifle, and an ugly-looking shotgun. Instead of legs, she sports a long tail with red, black and white stripes. She has an intimidating reptilian face, and her yellow snake-like eyes hide under a brown cowboy hat.

Blake Alfson (He/Him)

Growing up in rural north Idaho gave Blake a lot of time to build and explore imaginary worlds. Once he was in college and discovered TTRPGs, he was thrilled to finally have a place to truly express those worlds. These days, when not crafting settings and GMing for his friends, he can be found doing his full time engineering job, gaming, or wandering around the house with his emotional support ax because he heard a scary noise.

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